The war in Iraq
There is still an ongoing debate about the war in Iraq. Should we withdraw or continue the fight is the question, and one that our nation seems to be battling with. I seem to have mixed emotions on the subject, but, one issue that draws me away from the war is money. Our nation is in such a financial crunch at the moment so; can we really afford to support the war when we have no jobs and a good percentage of us are living on unemployment? I think maybe are troops could be of better use to us if they were home and protected are boarders instead of being abroad.
I think we have been in Iraq long enough. We have spent our money on trying to make their country a better place and I think we have succeeded in that, at least as best as we possibly can. I don’t think that keeping our troops there is going to change anything more than what we already have. I believe it is up to them now.
Of course this is strictly my opinion. I think we need to bring our troops home and beef up our own boarders.